TODAY is my birth mother's 59th birthday. I found her seven years ago.
Happy birthday and thank you for bringing me into the world.
She's one of the two people in my life who brought me to the truth about Barack Obama.
She shares a birthday with his youngest daughter who turns seven-years-old today. Happy birthday, Sasha Obama.

Happy birthday and thank you for bringing me into the world.
She's one of the two people in my life who brought me to the truth about Barack Obama.
She shares a birthday with his youngest daughter who turns seven-years-old today. Happy birthday, Sasha Obama.

If'in moi had a time machine I'd smack my mammy and/or pappy in the private areas just to keep moi from having been hatched and I'm in one of moi's best moods right now.
Craig, what a beautiful tribute to your birth mother. And what a gift you gave each other seven years ago. I first came across your blog through jjpolitics, and while appreciating your political savvy, it was your adoption story that intrigued me the most. I adopted my baby daughter (now 27) at nine months of age. I gathered all the info I could about her birth mother, thinking that one day she might want it. We love each other fiercely, but there is a wound in her spirit all my love can't touch. i have offered her the information, but fear of rejection immobolizes her, and she has declined to search for her other mother. I feel that even a brief contact would help to assuage the deep question she lives with. I just bought a copy of your book. Haven't had time to read it yet... I may share it with her.
lexusoakland, your words moved me to the core.
Thank you for sharing your story here, for buying my story, and I wish you and your daughter peace and blessings.
Happy Birthday to your birth mom Craig and to little Sasha Obama. Us Gemini's gotta stick together. :-)
I enjoy your posts here and at JJP. You are a breath of fresh air. Keep on doing what you do.
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