This means I'm officially running for something.
My campaign treasurer stopped by earlier today while we were planting collard greens, blackeye peas and broccoli to deliver the good news. We hadn't been to the mailbox yet, but when we checked it later, there it was, unfolded from its official-looking envelope, just as you see it above.
This is a big [fill-in-the-blank] deal.
I'm grateful to all those who contributed to my campaign. Thank you for your generosity. But more than that, thank you for your belief. Without you, I wouldn't have my name up there.
I still can't quite believe that's my name. Hickman. Craig V. Stands for Von. I'd never have imagined I'd run for elected office. But life has changed immensely since the man who gave me my name died 3 years ago, March.
Thing is, I'd never have imagined I'd be doing much of what I'm doing in my life right now.
But here I am. Doing what my father taught me how to be good at, and trying to do what my father always thought I would be excellent at: farming and public service.
It's time.
It's time I finally put my mind to it and try to fulfill my father's ultimate dream for me. A dream I'm blessed to be able to pursue without pressure, an ounce of resentment, not even a whisper of angst.
It's time District 82, Readfield and Winthrop, the most beautiful towns in Kennebec Valley, had a fresh voice representing its people.
It’s time to rid our food supply of processed junk.
As a wise man wrote, food reclaims its nobility when the person who raised it hands it to you. It makes us healthier, too. Healthier citizens means reduced medical costs, which can lead to affordable health care for all. I will fight to bring common sense to the Maine food code to help producers make wholesome local food more available and affordable. Local food means local jobs.
It’s time to go green
I’m committed to strengthening local economies and cultivating long-term sustainable and creative solutions to our greatest challenges, while never forgetting or neglecting the things that make Maine the way life should be. Investment in our natural resources and quality of place initiatives and our vast wind and solar energy potential will not only help to protect Maine’s enthralling beauty, but also attract more tourism, boost our economy, and create new jobs.
It’s time to stop handcuffing small businesses.
One-size-fits-all regulations simply don’t work. I will fight to craft legislation, current or new, that allows the furniture painter, the contractor, the goat milker, the jewelry maker and the silver-haired lady down the road who bakes the best whoopie pies in town to advertise and sell their products and services without jumping through hoops they can’t afford. Let there be real competition. As Maine business grows, so goes job creation.
The United States of America conducts a new census. The state of Maine elects a new governor. The citizens of the most beautiful towns in the Kennebec Valley elect a new state representative.
My father smiles down from heaven.
Hickman in the House.
Organic farmer, man of the people.
Get ready.
It's time for a new beginning.

Winthrop Community Gardens Groundbreaking & Dedication, April 22, 2010
Craig Hickman is....
Son of a Tuskegee Airman and a wise woman
Spouse of the best physical therapist in Maine
Adopted man living in reunion with his birth families
Graduate of Harvard College, A.B. cum laude in Government, 1990
Recipient of the James Baldwin Award for Cultural Achievement, National Poetry Slam champion and award-winning author of Fumbling Toward Divinity
Founder and editor of Craig Hickman's Tennis Blog
2008 Democratic National Convention Delegate, 1st Congressional District
Winthrop Green Committee Member
Winthrop Community Gardens at Annabessacook Farm Host
Other Life Experience
As the former owner of a small catering business; proprietor of a small theatrical production company; marketing manager for a regional commercial real estate firm; facilities manager for an Internet startup; and administration and human resources manager for a financial services research and consulting startup, Hickman knows the challenges and triumphs of small business owners and their workers.

Congratulations on becoming an official Maine Clean Election Candidate. Hope to see you in Fairfield on the 15th! - Robert Sezak, House Candidate District 84
Congratulations, Mr. Craig von Hickman!
Craig, congratulations. I saw this on my twitter feed today but I was too busy praising the Lord and thanking Him for my miracles. Oh Blessed Day when we get to do what we love most but not only that to help others. I am a big believer in eating the fruit of the land and I am glad that finally this is something that the American people are waking up to. I detest junk food and I wish more parents would see how damaging it is to their children's well being. So many of the problems that children are faced with all stems from the foods they eat. Can outsiders make campaign contributions? Congratulations my friend, well deserved.
I love you, Craig. Whatever I can do for you, even from the Left Coast, please don't hesitate to ask. Good luck my friend.
Like Kirk, I'm from the Left Coast too... but so excited to read this! All the best Craig. Maine will be blessed.
Adje, Craig! Our legislatures throughout the country could use the dose of independent thinking a candidate like yourself brings to the table.
Congrats, Craig! And so great to see you at the MIT Conference this past week! Thanks for the corn seeds, a great PR item. Bobbi Beavers, House Candidate for District 148, Eliot and part of South Berwick
Impressive thinking, impressive sentiment -- thanks for being you Craig!
Congrats Craig!!!
Congrats Craig - you seem to achieve what it is you really want in life, a lesson many should understand.
The Lurker from the Left Coast!!!
Good luck...give us the link for how we donate to your campaign?
You might want to hook up with National Black Justice Coalition
That is the best $512 Maine has ever spent. Great things are in store for you and your constituents!
Wow, wonderful news Craig. Sorry, I'm late in replying to this. I wish and hope the very best for you in this endeavor. God bless your heart and your spirit. :-)
Congrats Sir on your political success with a view to environmental improvements - an impressive vision you have. I wish you very well. Alison
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