Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fried Green Tomatoes

Slice thinly two or three fat green tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper, cover and leave alone for half hour. Less if time is tight. Heat a wide skillet with 1/2 inch olive oil. Crack a farm fresh egg, beat it, add a dollop of raw milk and blend. Add some dried herbs, some Old Bay and a little more salt and pepper and mix well. Dip tomato slices in the liquid and shake in a paper bag with just enough flour to cover them all. Drop slices into hot oil and cook on both sides till golden brown or darker if desired. Drain on kitchen towel and enjoy hot or cold. Serves two. Or one if you love them as much as I.


Angelle said...

And I have green tomatoes! i think I might try this.

Ms.Martin said...

I love fried green tomatoes. My grandmother used cornmeal instead of flour.

Craig Hickman said...

I use cornmeal when I want them particularly crispy. It's the southern way. Flour is northern.