I have a husband, and I can still feel deeply lonely. Loneliness, I believe, is part of the human condition. Abject loneliness is a reminder that it's time to reconnect with the divine. When lonely, I don't need human attention or consolation, even though that's what my head or my groin might tell me. What I really need to do is to go out and stand with my back against a tree trunk, plant my bare feet in the earth, reach out my arms like the branches, close my eyes, breathe deeply and commune with all that is divine. Feel the powerful energy and support (and company) of the tree against my spine. Sit in the grass. Walk in the woods. Go to the river and listen to all the voices of divinity whisper from the water. Watch a squirrel or a bird do its thing. Hike up a hill and bask in the pure light. In nature, we are reminded that we are a part of everything--and everything is divine. So loneliness is the alarm clock that reminds me that it's time to wake up and get back to nature, to my spiritual and divine roots.

The barn in Maine's spellbinding light
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