A boat passes through heavily oiled marsh near Pass a Loutre, Louisiana May 20, 2010. For nearly a month, roughly 5,000 barrels (210,000 gallons/795,000 liters) of oil per day have been gushing from BP's broken Deepwater oil well situated in the Gulf of Mexico, in what could be named the worst oil spill in U.S. history.
Hi, pleased to meet you and your wonderful blog
Come pay a visit some time
5000 is a low estimate..
Obama's detached response is troubling.
Nice to see you Truth.
I haven't a clue why Obama is so detached about this.
The more this unfolds the more devastating and tragic is the feeling. The consequences of this 'spill' will be felt for so many years. How much more can these poor Gulf Coast residents take? Just as you think it may be coming under control, new problems/challenges arise. I watch the news, face covered with my hands, peeking through slightly parted fingers, not wanting to know the latest, but NEEDING to hear what is going on. It is just such a mess. If this isn't a warning sign, a harbinger, a red flag....I don't know what is.
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